Imagine, your boss calls you one day in his office and tells about his latest deal with an international business partner. He is wondering if you as an ambitious professional if you were willing to represend the company in a project that will be directed according to international standards.
Our „fitness program“ for international project assignments comprises:
- training of internationally accredited project management standards – we count on the education and certification portfolio of Project Management Institute (PMI®), the „global market leader“ in terms of project management
and - foreign language and cultural trainings for European, Anglo-American, Middle and Far East area. As trainers we prefer native speakers or longtime ex-pats who are familiar with country and culture.
Thanks to the cooperation with international training partners we will be able to offer trainings of international PM standards in German, English and French on several continents – perfect for Global Players!
PMI ist a registered trademark of Project Management Institute Inc. (PMI).