We provide structure and uniformity to your project processes
Standardized processes for project management should be part of a professional organisation as well as effectice tools and excellently skilled project professionals.

We assist you establishing a homogenous and efficient procedure for all projects in your organisation unit:

  • Analysis of used project processes
  • Optimization of existing and definition of new, standardized project management processes along the project life cycle from initiation via planning, execution and implementation to final acceptance and closure.
  • Elaboration of a project management manual to establish uniform wording and understanding.
  • Configuration and optimization of a project management tool-set with techniques, templates, and tools.
  • Our own project process model rests on standardized models and provides a “out-of-the box-solution” to start off quickly.

Our process model for projects

Pro-Cedo by GPC

Project Management by Global Players Consulting – Solution references
Corporate-wide project standard for technology projects

Standardized project process model for digitization projects